School holidays are just around the corner.
Will you be travelling?
Do you have minor children?
Before going on your journey, give yourself the peace of mind and make sure your Will is up to date.
It is very easy and convenient with us. We set up an appointment with you at our offices (or via Skype/telephone) and it takes about an hour and you leave with the peace of mind that you have a legal, valid Will.
Everyone is different and we tailor your Will to suit your specific circumstances.
When you have minor children it is especially important to have a Will. If you were to die without a Will (Intestate) it could create hardship for your family.
Did you know?
- The bank may not want to transfer your bond into the names of minor children
- If minor children own part of a property, you may have to obtain a Court Order for permission to sell if this is necessary
- Without a Will, any inheritance due to a minor child must be paid to the Guardian’s Fund at the Master’s office to be held by them until the child turns 18.
The solution:
- Some of these problems can be avoided by setting up a Trust in your Will for minor children
- It does not cost any extra to include a Testamentary Trust in your Will
- A trust makes it easier and cheaper to sell property
- A trust makes it easier for minor children to be paid maintenance, without undue paperwork.
So, don’t hesitate, give us a call to put your Will in order.
The holidays will be upon us before you know it.
Contact Paula Bongers